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Browse the 1966 Encyclopaedia of New Zealand
Graphic: An Encyclopaedia of New Zealand 1966.


This information was published in 1966 in An Encyclopaedia of New Zealand, edited by A. H. McLintock. It has not been corrected and will not be updated.

Up-to-date information can be found elsewhere in Te Ara.



Instructions for Playing the Anthem

The Queen's Regulations for the Army gives the following instructions for playing the National Anthem. If the anthem is played in full, the first six bars are to be played “pianissimo” at M.M. 60 crotchets, with a “crescendo” starting on the second beat of the sixth bar rising to a “fortissimo” at M.M. 52 crotchets for the last eight bars, with a “rallentando” in the second to last bar. If the first six bars only are used, as for a salute to the Governor-General as the Queen's representative, the anthem is to be played “fortissimo” at M.M. 60 crotchets. When performed at a function or entertainment, the National Anthem takes precedence over the anthem of any other nation. At the conclusion of proceedings this order is reversed, the National Anthem being played last. On such occasions the anthem is played in full, being preceded by a three-bar sidedrum or timpani roll, “pp” < > “pp” at M.M. 60 crotchets.

A third verse, with special application to New Zealand, to be used in place of the second verse, was written by E. S. Emerson:

Far from the Empire's heart,
Make us a worthy part,
God save the King.
Keep us for ever thine,
Our land Thy southern shrine,
And in Thy grace divine,
God save the King.

A copy was sent to King Edward VII, who as an indication of his approval, signed and returned it to Emerson. This verse, however, has not been generally adopted, nor have various others put forward as alternatives from time to time.

Next Part: National Hymn