Story: Volcanic Plateau places

Tamatekapua meeting house (1st of 2)

Tamatekapua meeting house

Tamatekapua meeting house is named after the captain of the Arawa, one of the voyaging canoes that brought the ancestors of Māori to New Zealand. The meeting house was first opened at Ōhinemutu in 1873, replacing a much earlier one of the same name on Mokoia Island. It was refurbished in the early 20th century, then demolished in 1939 and rebuilt, reopening in 1943. The carved figure at the top of the gable is Tamatekapua.

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How to cite this page:

Malcolm McKinnon, 'Volcanic Plateau places - Around Rotorua city', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 16 June 2024)

Story by Malcolm McKinnon, updated 25 May 2015