Story: Violent crime

Remembering Christchurch mosque attack victims

Line of people looking at ground covered in coloured flowers, handwritten cards and messages in front of a metal spiked fence

Flowers and messages of condolence and support for the victims of the Christchurch mosque terrorist attack in March 2019 outside the city's botanic gardens.

The attack claimed the lives of 51 worshippers at the Al Noor Mosque and Linwood Islamic Centre. Shocked at the scale of the violence, communities throughout New Zealand were quick to support those affected. People gathered for vigils, left tributes outside the mosques, and attended remembrance services and memorial events. Over $24 million was donated to funds administered by Victim Support and the Christchurch Foundation, and distributed amongst victims and their families.

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How to cite this page:

Greg Newbold, 'Violent crime - Mass homicides since 1990', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 4 July 2024)

Story by Greg Newbold, published 5 May 2011, reviewed & revised 3 May 2024 with assistance from Greg Newbold