Story: Football

Devonport North Shore football team, about 1895

A group of ten male players standing and sitting together under a tree, many with moustaches, wearing uniforms that do not match

Football began to be played in New Zealand in an organised way in the 1880s. The Devonport North Shore Club was founded in 1886 and – now North Shore United – is widely recognised as the oldest surviving club in the country. This is an early team, probably from 1895. The lack of standardised uniforms suggests that the game was still relatively informal.

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Auckland City Libraries - Tāmaki Pātaka Kōrero, Sir George Grey Special Collections
Reference: 4-3065
Photograph by James D. Richardson

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How to cite this page:

Neill Atkinson, Steve Watters and Alida Shanks, 'Football - Football in New Zealand', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 25 June 2024)

Story by Neill Atkinson, Steve Watters and Alida Shanks, published 5 Sep 2013, reviewed & revised 7 Jun 2023 with assistance from Alida Shanks