Story: Ballet

Jon Trimmer

Jon Trimmer joined the New Zealand Ballet in the 1950s. In the 1960s he trained in Europe and built a successful career overseas, then rejoined the New Zealand Ballet in 1970. In the late 1970s Trimmer and his wife Jacquie (also a dancer) were members of an artistic committee overseeing the company's programme. They were among the stalwarts who ensured the continuity and survival of the company. Trimmer – who was knighted in 1999 for services to ballet – was in his mid-70s in 2014. He continued performing, in a career of remarkable calibre and longevity. He is seen here in a 2006 episode of television arts programme Artsville. The segment begins with a discussion of New Zealand Ballet founder Poul Gnatt, then shows Trimmer dancing in Pineapple poll.

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TVNZ Television New Zealand

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How to cite this page:

Jennifer Shennan, 'Ballet - Building a foundation, 1960s and 1970s', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 26 June 2024)

Story by Jennifer Shennan, published 22 Oct 2014