Story: Britain, Europe and New Zealand

Origins of British migrants, 1800–1945

Origins of British migrants, 1800–1945

For 150 years the English dominated migration to New Zealand from Europe. Faced with competition from Australia, Canada and the United States, New Zealand attracted British migrants by offering assisted and sometimes free passages. The offer was not an open one – an application had to be made and approved – and some groups were preferred over others. Generally, the English, Welsh and Scots were welcomed, the Irish less so. Other matters also played a part – proximity to a port from which ships sailed to New Zealand was a factor, as was the pull of relatives and friends who had already emigrated. 

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Source: Jock Phillips & Terry Hearn, Settlers: New Zealand immigrants from England, Ireland & Scotland, 1800–1945. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2008, p. 52.

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How to cite this page:

Martin Holland and Serena Kelly, 'Britain, Europe and New Zealand - Migration, travel and tourism', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 26 June 2024)

Story by Martin Holland and Serena Kelly, published 20 Jun 2012