Story: Southland region

Glencoe memorial

Glencoe memorial

The Scottish roots of many Southlanders are recalled both by this memorial and by the name of Glencoe, a locality on State Highway 96 between Mataura and Winton. At Glencoe in Scotland in 1692 many McDonalds were killed without warning by soldiers affiliated with a rival clan, the Campbells. The frenzied but planned attack was justified on the grounds of the McDonalds’ purported disloyalty to the new King William, a Protestant who had driven the Catholic King James from Britain in 1688. The action was widely condemned, but the Crown shielded the perpetrators from punishment.

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How to cite this page:

David Grant, 'Southland region - Society and culture', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 17 June 2024)

Story by David Grant, updated 1 May 2015