Story: Floods

Footrot Flats

Cartoonist Murray Ball created the popular newspaper cartoon series Footrot Flats, featuring the daily adventures of typical New Zealand farm characters – including Dog the sheepdog, his owner Wal Footrot, and their neighbour, Cooch Windgrass. Ball was well aware of the hazards of rural life, and incorporated storms, floods and landslides into his cartoons.

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Diogenes Designs Ltd
Reference: Murray Ball, Footrot Flats collector's edition 2. Lower Hutt: Inprint, 1989, p. 64
Cartoon by Murray Ball

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How to cite this page:

Eileen McSaveney, 'Floods - River monitoring and flood warnings', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 16 June 2024)

Story by Eileen McSaveney, published 12 Jun 2006, reviewed & revised 1 Feb 2024