Story: Rupe, Carmen Tione

TV interview with Carmen Rupe, 1975

In 1975 Carmen was interviewed for Tonight at nine by Spencer Jolly at Carmen’s International Coffee Lounge. They discussed Carmen’s life, work and plans for the future, and Carmen mentioned that some MPs were homosexual or bisexual. As a result, Carmen and Jolly were ordered to appear before Parliament’s Privileges Committee on 29 May 1975. Carmen was found guilty of a breach of privilege; she apologised and there were no further consequences.

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Reference: TZP4412 – TONIGHT AT NINE – CARMEN (1975). Courtesy of Television New Zealand.

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How to cite this page:

Lynette Townsend. 'Rupe, Carmen Tione', Dictionary of New Zealand Biography, first published in 2018. Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 5 July 2024)