Story: Feature film

Don't let it get you, 1966

New Zealand's biggest pop stars, including Howard Morrison and Lew Pryme, played themselves in this exuberant musical comedy. Set in Rotorua during a music festival, it celebrates the region's tradition of hospitality, as Morrison takes care of an unemployed and lovesick drummer. During the production, the Morrison whānau ensured that cast and crew were well fed at all times. This extract features product placement from an oil company, one of the film's many commercial sponsors.

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NZ On Screen
Reference: Don't let it get you. Producer and director, John O'Shea; writer, Joe Musaphia. Wellington: Pacific Films, 1966.

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Courtesy of Pacific Films

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How to cite this page:

Helen Martin, 'Feature film - Pioneering days', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 26 June 2024)

Story by Helen Martin, published 22 Oct 2014, reviewed & revised 21 May 2024 with assistance from Emma-Jean Kelly