Story: Te kawa o te marae

Pōwhiri, the ceremony used to welcome visitors onto the marae, was traditionally a way of finding out whether people were friends or enemies. Different marae have slightly different protocols depending on their iwi or area, but the same formal roles and structure.

Story by Basil Keane
Main image: Manuhiri (guests) arrive at a pōwhiri, Papawai marae, 2012

Story summary

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Kawa of the marae

The kawa of the marae is the protocols or rules that operate on the marae. Different marae have different ways of doing things, but there some things are common to all.

It is an honour to have an official role during the pōwhiri (welcome onto the marae). Kaikaranga (women who call at the beginning of the welcome) and kaikōrero (the people who make speeches, usually men) are usually the eldest and most respected in their families.

On some marae all the speakers from the tangata whenua (hosts) speak first, followed by the manuhiri (guests). At other marae the speeches alternate, with each speaker from the hosts followed by one from the guests.

Pōwhiri process

When the manuhiri have gathered outside the marae, the tangata whenua begin to call them onto the marae. If an especially important person is visiting, there will be a ritual challenge first, where warriors lay down batons and the guest picks them up.

When the guests are on the marae, usually on the courtyard in front of the wharenui (meeting house), whaikōrero (speeches) are given, followed by waiata (songs). A koha of money (usually in an envelope) is given to the hosts, and then the guests and hosts hongi (press noses) and harirū (shake hands) in greeting.

The next stage of the welcome is a hākari (feast). In the evening, inside the meeting house, there is a mihimihi, where people introduce themselves by sharing their ancestral ties.

When the visitors are ready to leave, they begin the poroporoaki (formal farewells).

Mythology and pōwhiri

Important gods are symbolised by parts of the marae. The courtyard outside the meeting house is the domain of Tūmatauenga (or Tū), the god of war, and speeches in that area are allowed to be forceful. The meeting house is the domain of Rongo, the god of peace, and speeches inside are expected to be peaceful.

History of pōwhiri

The pōwhiri process developed as a way of checking whether people were friends or enemies. In the past members of one tribe might use a meeting to attack another tribe.

Historical accounts of pōwhiri suggest that the process has remained much the same for hundreds of years.

How to cite this page:

Basil Keane, 'Te kawa o te marae', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 3 June 2024)

Story by Basil Keane, published 5 September 2013