Story: Primary and secondary education

Uniform options at Epsom Girls' Grammar School

Uniform options at Epsom Girls' Grammar School

Many New Zealand secondary schools still have a compulsory uniform for pupils. It is often justified on the grounds that it is cheaper, more egalitarian and fosters a 'school spirit'. At Epsom Girls' Grammar School in Auckland in 2011 there were a range of school uniform options, including culottes for summer and a tunic for winter. Senior (Year 13) students wore a full-length skirt, and Muslim girls were permitted to wear headscarves.

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Epsom Girls Grammar School
Photograph by Philip Bradley

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How to cite this page:

Nancy Swarbrick, 'Primary and secondary education - Pupils', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 26 June 2024)

Story by Nancy Swarbrick, published 20 Jun 2012