Story: Rugby union

Brian Lochore (3rd of 5)

Brian Lochore on the field.

Brian Lochore runs with the ball during a match in South Africa in 1970. One of the most respected people in New Zealand sport, Lochore was an All Black loose forward from 1963 to 1971 and one of New Zealand’s most successful captains from 1966 to 1970. Lochore turned to coaching, raising Wairarapa–Bush into the first division. He took over coaching the All Blacks in 1985, culminating in his side winning the first world cup two years later. In 1995 he was appointed campaign manager for the All Blacks’ world cup bid that year. Rugby and other sports continued to use his services, and for two years he was chair of the New Zealand Sports Foundation's high performance committee, a role he relinquished when he succeeded another former All Black captain, Wilson Whineray, as chair of sports funding agency the Hillary Commission. Lochore was knighted in 1999.

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How to cite this page:

Ron Palenski, 'Rugby union - International rugby – northern hemisphere', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 18 June 2024)

Story by Ron Palenski, published 5 Sep 2013, updated 1 Sep 2016