Story: The voyage out

Sailing ships

Sailing ships

The route followed by sailing ships to New Zealand was mostly on the high seas. Sometimes passengers did not see land at all between Britain and New Zealand. Encounters with other ships were also rare. James Edward FitzGerald sketched this view of the Randolph, one of the first Canterbury Association ships, from the Charlotte Jane as the two vessels were clearing the English Channel. Unusually, these two ships sighted each other again off the coast of Africa.

Using this item

Canterbury Museum, James Edward FitzGerald Watercolour Collection
Reference: 15780
Watercolour by James Edward FitzGerald

Permission of Canterbury Museum, Rolleston Avenue, Christchurch, New Zealand must be obtained before any re-use of this image.

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How to cite this page:

John Wilson, 'The voyage out - Journeys to New Zealand', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 17 June 2024)

Story by John Wilson, published 8 Feb 2005