Story: National Party

Young Nationals

Pamphlet advertising the Young Nationals, featuring Murray McCully.

The chair of the Young Nationals, Murray McCully, was featured in a 1974 pamphlet aimed at recruiting new members to the group. McCully went on to become a major figure in the parliamentary wing of the party and a key strategist. He was minister of foreign affairs in John Key's government.

Courtesy of the New Zealand National Party

Using this item

Penguin Random House
Reference: Barry Gustafson, The first 50 years: a history of the New Zealand National Party. Auckland: Reed Methuen, 1986, p. 265

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How to cite this page:

Colin James, 'National Party - Party composition and organisation', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 17 June 2024)

Story by Colin James, published 20 Jun 2012, updated 1 Jul 2020