Story: Māori–Pākehā relations

Attack at Burtts' farm, 1863 (2nd of 2)

Attack at Burtts' farm, 1863

This drawing, by the military leader Major Gustavus von Tempsky, shows an 1863 attack by Waikato Māori on Burtts' farm, near Pukekohe. A party of about 20 Māori (left) opened fire on farmworkers and their families, including the farm manager's daughter, Mary Ann Watson, and two militiamen, or part-time soldiers (right). Incidents like this occurred across the North Island during the New Zealand wars of the 1860s.

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How to cite this page:

Mark Derby, 'Māori–Pākehā relations - Military conflicts', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 17 June 2024)

Story by Mark Derby, published 5 May 2011