Story: Hauraki–Coromandel region

Hauraki–Coromandel landforms

Faults, in particular the Hauraki Fault which runs along the west side of the Coromandel Peninsula, have shaped the Hauraki–Coromandel region. The Hauraki Fault has produced both a depression (the Hauraki Plains and the Firth of Thames) and uplifted areas (the Coromandel Peninsula and the ranges to the west of the Hauraki depression). Rocks from volcanic activity between seven and 20 million years ago have overlain the older sedimentary greywacke on the peninsula, while river sediments have built up the Hauraki Plains.

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How to cite this page:

Paul Monin, 'Hauraki–Coromandel region - Geology and landscape', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 17 June 2024)

Story by Paul Monin, updated 1 Apr 2016