Story: Thompson, Pauline Adele

'Untitled (Matariki)', 2003

A large painting of a topless woman holding two flaming torches surrounded by seven of the stars of Matariki. There is a turquoise triangle behind her and a navy blue night sky. At the woman’s feet are skulls and in the corners of the painting are eggs.

This painting by Pauline Thompson first appeared in a 2003 show called ‘The Four Seasons’ at Ardor Gallery of Contemporary Art in Parnell, Auckland. At that time it was called ‘Winter’. This is a powerful illustration of Thompson’s interest in birth, death and renewal in the stories of the Pacific.

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Private collection
Reference: The family of Pauline Thompson
by Pauline Thompson

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How to cite this page:

Emma-Jean Kelly. 'Thompson, Pauline Adele', Dictionary of New Zealand Biography, first published in 2023. Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 26 June 2024)