Story: Children’s and young adult literature

Classics: The kuia and the spider (2nd of 3)

Classics: The kuia and the spider

Author Patricia Grace collaborated with artist Robyn Kahukiwa to produce The kuia and the spider (1981), which won the New Zealand Children's Picture Book of the Year award. In the story the kuia (female elder), an accomplished weaver, competes with a large spider living in her house to see who can do the best weaving. When the kuia's 10 grandchildren come to stay, she and the spider decide that they can judge the winner. Grace sought to add to the small number of books in which Māori children saw their lives reflected. The book was translated into te reo Māori as Te kuia me te pungawerewere.

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Penguin New Zealand
Artwork by Robyn Kahukiwa

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How to cite this page:

Kerryn Pollock, 'Children’s and young adult literature - Fantasy and social realism, 1970s–2000s', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 4 July 2024)

Story by Kerryn Pollock, published 22 Oct 2014, updated 1 Aug 2016