Story: Large forest birds

Takahē nest and eggs

Takahē nest and eggs

Takahē make a nest among vegetation, with overhead cover to hide it from birds of prey. They lay from one to three blotched, pale-buff eggs, which the male and female take turns incubating. In this nest are a real egg, and an artificial egg containing a data logger to record humidity. Researchers used the information to see how often the eggs were left uncovered, and for how long.

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Department of Conservation
Reference: 10050090 (top); 10050092 (bottom)

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How to cite this page:

Gerard Hutching, 'Large forest birds - Takahē', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 17 June 2024)

Story by Gerard Hutching, published 24 Sep 2007, reviewed & revised 17 Feb 2015, updated 1 Aug 2023