Story: Kauri forest

Milling in the 1970s

The high value of kauri timber has created an ongoing demand. Privately owned kauri were milled until quite recently, and live trees were felled in state forests until 1985. This clip from a 1978 documentary shows selective milling near Kerikeri. Helicopters were used to take the logging team to the trees, and to bring in a portable mill. Once the job was done, the timber was flown out by helicopter. The expense of this method was offset by the high price obtained for the timber.

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TVNZ Television New Zealand

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How to cite this page:

Joanna Orwin, 'Kauri forest - Protecting kauri', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 18 June 2024)

Story by Joanna Orwin, published 24 Sep 2007