Story: Weeds of agriculture

Mouse-ear hawkweed

Mouse-ear hawkweed

Mouse-ear hawkweed (Hieracium pilosella) is a major problem in some South Island tussock grasslands. It favours dry, sunny areas on sandy, less fertile soil. It produces stolons (stems that grow across the surface of the ground), which generate a new rosette at their extremity and form dense mats, taking up pasture space. It is also propagated by seeds. Hawkweed is hairy and unpalatable to sheep.

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Central Environmental Services
Photograph by Barrie J. Wills

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How to cite this page:

Ian Popay, 'Weeds of agriculture - Weeds in pasture, crops and forestry', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 16 June 2024)

Story by Ian Popay, published 24 Nov 2008