Story: Horomona, Maata

Stars of the Hippodrome

Stars of the Hippodrome

The New York press was fascinated with Maata Horomona and the female performers who accompanied her. Their activities, including their attendance at an equal rights for women rally in December 1909, attracted extensive newspaper coverage. The names in the caption to the group photograph are inaccurate. Identifiable in the back row are Waapi Tungi Yates, Kiri Matao and a woman referred to as ‘Caana’. In the front row are probably Maata, Erana and an unknown performer.

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New York Public Library
Reference: Scrapbook of clippings compiled by press representative Anna Marble Pollock, R.H Burnside Collection, Box 57, Hippodrome Season 1909–1910

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How to cite this page:

Minette Hillyer. 'Horomona, Maata', Dictionary of New Zealand Biography, first published in 2024. Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 18 June 2024)