Story: Voting rights

Women's suffrage memorial, Christchurch

Women's suffrage memorial, Christchurch

Women central to the fight for suffrage (and other rights for women) are celebrated in this memorial located on The Reserve, at the corner of Oxford Terrace and Worcester Boulevard in Christchurch. Kate Sheppard, leader of the campaign, is shown at the forefront of the group, which includes Meri Te Tai Mangakāhia, Amey Daldy, Ada Wells, Harriet Morison and Helen Nicol.

Te Tai Mangakāhia was the first women to address Te Paremata (the Māori parliament), when she argued for Māori women's right to vote (and stand for election) there. Daldy was president of the Women's Franchise League in Auckland, while Wells was the organiser of the national movement. Morison, a union leader, vigorously supported the campaign and encouraged the involvement of women in the tailoresses' unions. Nicol led the fight in Dunedin.

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How to cite this page:

Neill Atkinson, 'Voting rights - Votes for women', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 17 June 2024)

Story by Neill Atkinson, published 20 Jun 2012, reviewed & revised 17 Feb 2015