Story: New Zealand identity

Chalk kiwi, Wiltshire, England

Chalk kiwi, Wiltshire, England

This kiwi was carved in the chalk of a hillside by New Zealand soldiers waiting at Sling Camp in the UK in early 1919 for transport back to New Zealand after the First World War. As New Zealand soldiers met those from other countries during the war, they developed a stronger sense of their own distinctive identity. The term 'Kiwi' became widely used to describe them. At home the achievements of the New Zealand soldiers at Gallipoli and then on the Western Front strengthened a sense of national pride. Anzac Day, commemorating the landing on Gallipoli in April 1915, became in effect a national day.

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How to cite this page:

Fiona Barker, 'New Zealand identity - War and sport', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 16 June 2024)

Story by Fiona Barker, published 20 Jun 2012