Story: Lesbian lives

Lesbian social life: Bubs Hetet (2nd of 3)

Lesbian social life: Bubs Hetet

Raukura Te Aroha 'Bubs' Hetet – seen here on her motorbike in the early 1960s – identified as 'kamp' (gay) from an early age. In 1961 she and a friend went to the Ca d'Oro coffee lounge in Auckland, which they had heard was a meeting-place for gays and lesbians. Hetet wore a bush jacket, and some of the heterosexual men in the café thought she and her friend were gay men. A fight broke out and police were called. The Truth newspaper reported the incident under the heading 'Thought girl was a queer' and revealed where Hetet was employed, although without naming her. She was afraid she would lose her job, but did not.

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How to cite this page:

Alison J. Laurie, 'Lesbian lives - Early meeting places', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 21 June 2024)

Story by Alison J. Laurie, published 5 May 2011, reviewed & revised 15 Aug 2018