Story: Family welfare

Bert Walker on solo mums (2nd of 2)

Bert Walker on solo mums

This cartoon by Tom Scott appeared in feminist magazine Broadsheet in May 1977. The target was Bert Walker, the minister of social welfare, whose balding head has attracted a pair of darts. The cartoon was prompted by the minister's statement that a women should not receive the DPB if they had male lovers, and that these men should be financially responsible for the women and their children. Neighbours were encouraged to report regular visits by male friends to the Department of Social Welfare and benefits were withdrawn from over 500 sole parents.

Courtesy of Broadsheet

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Cartoon by Tom Scott

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How to cite this page:

Maureen Baker and Rosemary Du Plessis, 'Family welfare - Debating state responsibility, 1970s', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 16 June 2024)

Story by Maureen Baker and Rosemary Du Plessis, published 5 May 2011, reviewed & revised 29 Jun 2018