Story: Te hī ika – Māori fishing

Māui chants a fishing karakia

The demi-god Māui chants a karakia (incantation) to entice his great fish to the surface. The fish that he eventually hauls up is now known as the North Island of New Zealand, and is believed to be in the shape of a stingray. This show, Māui: one man against the gods, combines aerial theatre, Māori performing arts and contemporary dance. The music was composed by Gareth Farr for Promethean Editions Ltd.

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How to cite this page:

Paul Meredith, 'Te hī ika – Māori fishing - Tangaroa, god of the sea', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 18 June 2024)

Story by Paul Meredith, published 12 Jun 2006