Story: Atmosphere

Masterton in winter (2nd of 2)

Masterton in winter

In many small rural New Zealand towns people use open fires and log burners to heat their homes in winter. In this photograph of Masterton, the smoke rising from individual chimneys has mixed together to form a layer that hangs over the township. On windless days, when inversion layers form, pollution can persist all day, and those who hang out their washing to dry risk smoky-smelling shirts.

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Greater Wellington Regional Council

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How to cite this page:

Bill Allan, Katja Riedel, Richard McKenzie, Sylvia Nichol and Tom Clarkson, 'Atmosphere - Atmospheric pollution', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 17 June 2024)

Story by Bill Allan, Katja Riedel, Richard McKenzie, Sylvia Nichol and Tom Clarkson, published 12 Jun 2006