Story: Rugby union

Marlborough with the Seddon Shield

Marlborough with the Seddon Shield

On 28 August 2010 the Marlborough ‘Red Devils’ defeated Nelson Bays 13–12 at Motueka to win the Seddon Shield. The shield was established in 1906 as a memorial to late Premier Richard Seddon, for competition between Nelson, Marlborough, Buller and the West Coast. Nelson had held the shield for 13 years before this match. The Seddon Shield is one of a number of rugby competitions among smaller unions.

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Nelson Mail

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How to cite this page:

Ron Palenski, 'Rugby union - Club and provincial rugby', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 19 June 2024)

Story by Ron Palenski, published 5 Sep 2013, updated 1 Sep 2016