The data below is in a format known as tab-delimited values. You can open this file with any spreadsheet application and the data will be distributed into the appropriate rows and columns. Occupation Median annual income in 1926 (£) Doctor 364 Accountant 360 State school teacher 330 Livestock buyer 364 Butcher 280 Grocer 285 Builder 245 Storekeeper 205 Blacksmith 205 Public service clerk 260 Bank clerk 225 Engine driver 270 Fitter 240 Carpenter 225 Plasterer 215 Bricklayer 215 Plumber 200 Roadman 180 Labourer 175 Drover 165 Farmer 275 Source: David G. Pearson, Johnsonville: continuity and change in a New Zealand township, Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 1980, p. 62